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Paragon Total Defrag 2009 For Free - Powerful but controversial
Quote : "It seems that older computers are facing big problems when using this almost professional tool. Read here about some negative reactions after using this software ( especially Tibicar who performed a … 6 weeks defragg on her PC !!! )"
I've got it, the promotion works. Did not have the time to try it yet, though a bit scared by the warnings :(
I got this program and have some of their others.
You actually get the full dfrag program.
Not just the special free version.
And yes it will take a while to run.
You must reboot so it has custody of the drive.
To stop it you can press esc or control c.
My advice is to keep your other defrag program and use it.
Like jkdefrag or whatever.
So it doesn't have a lot to do, although mine took about 7 hours for 20gb of actual files on a 80gb drive.
But there are options to choose.
You can put your directories at the beginning or end of the drive.
Ascending or descending.
Or you can leave the directories where they are.
So it is a major defrag utility.
I don't believe it was meant for vista and up.
Can't be certain of that though.
Someone send me a Vista machine and I'll try it :)
But send a way to reformat and reload Vista too...lol...
But there are options to choose.
You can put your directories at the beginning or end of the drive.
Ascending or descending.
Or you can leave the directories where they are.
-cmpm (March 24, 2009, 09:04 AM)
--- End quote ---
does it recommend any of those?
JKDefrag offers
which is based on files rather than directories but I never could see the logic of it - especially to end of disk - unless you want to get them out of the way...
Just the options I listed is what I saw, tomos,
but there could be others. Doubt it though.
It's a simple interface, with drop down options.
But I didn't see the amount of options that jkdefrag has.
I'd have to run it again to get shots of it.
And I don't have the time right now.
It seems safe to me, but there is some complaints I reckon.
It does take a long time.
Be prepared to take at least 12 hours for it to complete.
Depending on size of disk and contents.
According to jkdefrag's analyze map it's all packed in tight.
Tighter then with jk.
As far as performance gain, I don't think I've noticed any.
But I keep this dude pretty clean anyway.....
Ever since I've had HD with capacity 200 GB or greater I've kept the free space over 80%. When I tell people I defrag(like a quicky Auslogics defrag) 4 or 5 times a week and tell them it usually takes less than 10 minutes they act like I'm lying. But too many people run their HD over 80% full, then expect to defrag into that small free space.
@cmpm Did you run in "safe mode" ?? I'd be curious what the differential would be if you ran in Turbo(or whatever they call it) mode(with UPS of course.)
Sounds like it might be worth doing twice a year.
I just got the serial and download but haven't installed yet.
btw according to the info on the site it's NOT for 64 bit systems although it claims to support Vista 32 bit.
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