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TalkAboutShareware thread

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that page is just showing posts from the usenet group alt.freeware and there is a delay between the time of posting and the time it shows up on that page.

[edit: my reply is up, if anyone feels like adding some *constructive* words to the discussion there it would be welcome]

that page is just showing posts from the usenet group alt.freeware.
--- End quote ---

that makes sense then, i was a little confused trying to navigate my way through their site, wondering where your post was.

just reading a couple of their remarks does make me wonder if these sorts of complainers are worth bothering about. they don't appear to be interested in supporting anything - they just want a 'free' piece of software, FREE to the point that they never have to be troubled spending a few moments of their precious time 'obtaining' a license key (either by asking or by donating).

the author of the freeware is of absolutely no importance to them and their philosophy on 'freeware' sounds entirely selfish and one sided.

i hope your post (that i've yet to read), mouser, will sway their view. if it doesn't then good luck to them. it's their loss after all - if they'd rather not use Find and Run Robot for the sakes of getting the key for it then i pity them.

Maybe you could have pointed them to this thread instead ->
oh wait, maybe thats who posted.  :lol:

well you all know my position about these things - i understand how people might be wary of a site that is so "aggressively" trying to encourage donations.  we should be open to criticism and take these complaints seriously and at face value and try to answer questions and frustrations with a plain explanation of what we are trying to do.  In fairness the world is filled with people trying to scam and spam people so let's cut them a little slack if they start out suspicious of anything out of the ordinary.

 :) mouser, you are such a nice bloke. you're right, of course. your diplomatic approach is always going to be of the greatest benefit towards donationcoder.

(i just find some of the "it's not really freeware" comments, like on that site, are more akin to just ungrateful begging. sorry, i'm starting to wind myself up again.)


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