Software > Find And Run Robot
TalkAboutShareware thread
TalkAboutShareware has had a thread on FARR and equivalents in the last couple of days, with several sour comments about the licensing, as if some people think they have a moral right to have free software. You and others might like to put them to rights...
what's the link, rj ? i'd like to see what kind of petty bickering is going on.
this link?
thank you very much vegas.
thanks very much for the heads up rjbull - it's great to know about such things while they are occuring so i can add my 2cents to them. I've posted a lengthy follow up if anyone cares to read and add to it, it would be appreciated.
and please remember to be polite and understanding of people who are upset about having to jump through hoops for a freeware program - the best thing to do is just explain what we are trying to do and why. Most people are willing to listen and are reasonable once they see we aren't trying to pull a scam.
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