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Meta Survey Survey for Fundraiser Survey

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And if not, what aspect of the site DID you like?
-cranioscopical (March 20, 2009, 06:53 PM)
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I think that's a good question to ask everyone, not just those who didn't donate. 

And if not, what aspect of the site DID you like?
-cranioscopical (March 20, 2009, 06:53 PM)
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I think that's a good question to ask everyone, not just those who didn't donate. 
-cyberdiva (March 20, 2009, 10:42 PM)
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Good point! (If nothing else that'll get me banned.  :))

It's important to kick around ideas for questions and also to think about what actions would be feasible based on the answers. Then the questions can be defined with as much precision as possible.
A bunch of loose, open-end responses will be difficult to categorize (though they may contain a one-off comment that turns out to be the best idea ever proposed).

"Now that you have donated - what do you expect to change/enhance/improve/happen?"
"Would you like to be able to donate more than you have?"
"Do you know your karma increases by donating but not by the amount donated?"
"Do you see the DonationCoder community as a role-model for other activities (kindergarten care, car repair, shelter for homeless...)"
"Have you smiled today?"

"Have you smiled today?"
-housetier (March 21, 2009, 12:05 PM)
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This is a fine question indeed  :Thmbsup:

should donationcoder do charity fundraisers?


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