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IE8 on the loose!

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I removed it as doesn't seem to play nice with feed demon.

So far the only thing I have found of use to it compared to IE7 is it seems to be slightly faster (though I haven't used IE7 or 8 that much anyways) So overall I think it is a pretty good improvement, but I can't say much until I use IE8 more.

Any idea when it will be released through Windows Update? Patch Tuesday maybe?

I don't wanna have to go around and update all these machines manually (I'm lazy lately :P)

I removed it as doesn't seem to play nice with feed demon.
-a_lunatic (March 19, 2009, 11:10 PM)
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What's broken? I haven't faced any issues with FeedDemon.

Any idea when it will be released through Windows Update? Patch Tuesday maybe?-wreckedcarzz (March 20, 2009, 12:26 AM)
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End of April:


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