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How about swf files?

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Hello videoInPicture, I do not know if you still want to do some updating of CD, but it would be possible to add support for animated swf files in the center button?

I would also like to inform to all guys that StandaloneStack is slow when activated, so I swapped StandAloneStack by DockFolder. Improved much ...


edited: nevermind. We should be able to delete our posts :)

I would also like to inform to all guys that StandaloneStack is slow when activated, so I swapped StandAloneStack by DockFolder. Improved much ...


-Jammison (March 13, 2009, 09:16 AM)
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This is great information, if you could add a link to this software, for the rest of us, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also keep inmind that there is a new Stack in development.
You can get more information at:
Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to beta test this new stacks with CD.
I had hoped that someone will try it, and submit a report to this forum for us.

Hello videoInPicture, I do not know if you still want to do some updating of CD, but it would be possible to add support for animated swf files in the center button?
-Jammison (March 13, 2009, 09:16 AM)
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I myself do not see why it could not be done, but I will let VIP make a decision on this matter.
the only issue I see is a resource issue. If you do not mind the resources that would be taken by a SWF animation, then no prob, but I hit a point of where I get a little distressed when my objects start taking up more than 10% on standby.

But hey let's kick this to VIP and see what he says. I think it could be nice as an add-on :Thmbsup:
Would anyone like to tackle this?

I commented on swf files because I found a clock that would be great in swf button Center CD.

And about DockFolder, try clicking the right mouse button on the CD, choose "Add" and "DockFolder" ...



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