Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
FARR Plugin: TimeZone [Update version 1.4.2]
Perry Mowbray:
Hello Grandad! :)
-cranioscopical (April 28, 2009, 01:47 PM)
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I'll pass on your regards: he's 91 next month :D
Each custom label has its check mark in place.
The correct label (my own choice) for slot 1 is in the .ini file.
Are those trailing colons a clue?
-cranioscopical (April 28, 2009, 01:47 PM)
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No: it was my bad (comes from making the changes at work and then pasting them into the source here at home)... I forgot to replace the test data I was using at work. From the looks of it the label would display OK in FARR, just not in the settings window.
Anyway: it should all be fixed now. Sorry about that :-[
I'll pass on your regards: he's 91 next month :D-Perry Mowbray (April 29, 2009, 08:46 AM)
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And doing well on it, I hope!
Thanks for taking the trouble to modify this.
As a reward ( :o) I'm attaching another slight quirk.
The AM/PM reporting gets out of sync sometimes.
I grabbed these two shots just far enough apart for the minute to roll over
but it's the am/pm indicators to which I refer.
Perry Mowbray:
But once it gets to 1am it's OK??
But once it gets to 1am it's OK??-Perry Mowbray (April 29, 2009, 10:06 AM)
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There was one occasion when I noticed it was giving 2 AM instead of 2 PM.
I'll try to mount a watch on what happens, and when.
Actually... just checked. Right now, at 5:46 PM Weds in Ontario (EDT), TZ gives Brisbane as 7:46 PM Thurs,
whereas it's really 7:46 AM.
Perry Mowbray:
Actually... just checked. Right now, at 5:46 PM Weds in Ontario (EDT), TZ gives Brisbane as 7:46 PM Thurs,
whereas it's really 7:46 AM.
-cranioscopical (April 29, 2009, 04:50 PM)
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That doesn't make a lot of sense at the moment. Can you zip up one of your data files, your timezone.ini and the utcOffset.xml file and PM or email me??
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