Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
FARR Plugin: TimeZone [Update version 1.4.2]
CyberEvil: Thanks. With some hope, I tried that file (, but it just crashes FARR, same as the last version, so I have again disabled TimeZone. I've not been able to use it for months.
Perry Mowbray:
No, I think that's just the zip file (basically) from the OP Iain...
I've got issues at work, but I'll have a look when I get home.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?), TimeZone does not crash my FARR, so I'm not sure what IainB's issues are?? :-\ or how to track them down...
Perry Mowbray:
Thanks for the response.
Here's the directory:
-CyberEvil (July 28, 2010, 09:31 AM)
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Thanks for your patience CyberEvil: I think I've found your problem. I installed from your files, and yup! No data!!
Didn't take long to find... In some circumstances FARRTimeZone.exe would not notify FARR that it'd finished, so the Data never got loaded. All fixed now!
Thanks for reporting it and sorry it's taken a while to get rid of it.
You should be able to use dcUpdater to update to the latest version, or you can overwrite the files with the archive in the OP.
Let me know how you go :Thmbsup:
Perry Mowbray:
CyberEvil: Thanks. With some hope, I tried that file (, but it just crashes FARR, same as the last version, so I have again disabled TimeZone. I've not been able to use it for months.
-IainB (July 29, 2010, 12:51 AM)
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Hey Iain: in fixing CyberEvil's bug I discovered that the javascript file had been written using a UTC-8 codepage. It would not load into FARR, though I got an error message rather than a crash??
Anyway, I've fixed the CodePage and it's all good on my machine again.
I'd be interested to know if that fixes your problem too?
@Perry Mowbray:
No the situation is as per my comment above, viz:
@Perry Mowbray:
My last post on the details of the crashes with FARR (caused by TimeZone and separately by two other plugins) is here: Re: Latest FARR Release v2.87.03 - May 4, 2010
I am sorry, I should have posted the details to this discussion thread at the time.
-IainB (June 27, 2010, 01:38 AM)
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That is, if TimeZone is included in the plugins, it causes FARR to crash on startup, and this has been the case since at least May 4th 2010.
I have thus removed TimeZone from my plugins.
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