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IDEA: program menu printing

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Don't encourage him chris -- he's making the rest of us coders look bad!

Try GetMenus!

Press F1 to extract the menus of the active window to a text file.-skrommel (April 08, 2009, 07:17 PM)
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great script! i didn't know this was even possible. :up:

 :-[ You guys...


Thanks, Skrommel, that's great  :Thmbsup: - sorry I didn't get back sooner, I've been busy with some University teaching recently :(.

Since I'm a complete noob about this, what do I send the .ahk file to???  I bet there's an easy answer, and I would love to try this out ...

Best regards,
ares09x (aka Bob Y.)

@ares09x: you have to download & install AutoHotKey then copy the above code and save it as <whatevername>.ahk and execute this ahk file.


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