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IDEA: Find filenames/folders above certain length and offer to rename them

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clearly more work needed here - I guess I was a bit enthusiastic posting this morning (note to self - do your own damn testing!!)

error is caused because you don't have any MRU entries - I'm still working on this bit but this is some progress-Target (April 13, 2009, 10:55 PM)
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yes, i found out about this quite belatedly since MTF puts in an 'ERROR' entry in the MRU drop-down. :)

not a biggie but in the 'set length' gui, the text is not quite viewable..
-lanux128 (April 13, 2009, 09:30 PM)
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what resolution are you running? it's fine here (laptop @ 1280 x 800)-Target (April 13, 2009, 10:55 PM)
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desktop @ 1152 x 864. font size: normal (96 dpi)

clearly more work needed here - I guess I was a bit enthusiastic posting this morning (note to self - do your own damn testing!!)

error is caused because you don't have any MRU entries - I'm still working on this bit but this is some progress-Target (April 13, 2009, 10:55 PM)
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yes, i found out about this quite belatedly since MTF puts in an 'ERROR' entry in the MRU drop-down. :)

not a biggie but in the 'set length' gui, the text is not quite viewable..
-lanux128 (April 13, 2009, 09:30 PM)
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what resolution are you running? it's fine here (laptop @ 1280 x 800)-Target (April 13, 2009, 10:55 PM)
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desktop @ 1152 x 864. font size: normal (96 dpi)
-lanux128 (April 13, 2009, 11:04 PM)
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Same display issue here (1600x1200: normal)

did you forget something there Chris or are you getting into minimal statements ?!! :)

did you forget something there Chris or are you getting into minimal statements ?!! :)
-tomos (April 14, 2009, 10:20 AM)
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Distracted in the middle of posting.  :-[

a request...

this has been going round in my mind for a couple of weeks now but nothings happening (nothing new there though...) so it's over to you guys for some input

After looking at the file/folder checkbox arrangement I get the feeling that it's not very intuitive.

The checkboxes are simple to use, and provide the necessary input/feedback, however they don't necessarily convey the intent.  Normal response to a checkbox is either true or false, where false means no selection has been made.  In this case however an unchecked state has a valid meaning (select files AND folders) - the caption states ALL, however the box is unchecked, which would probably indicate to most users that no selection is made...

I've tried to think of a better way to do this (in the limited amount of space) but I've come up dry - closest I can get is to use a button or a drop down list, but both use significantly more real estate, and a button isn't any real advancement on the existing checkbox...

Any and all suggestions gratefully received (many thanks, in advance!!)


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