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IDEA: Find filenames/folders above certain length and offer to rename them

<< < (24/33) > >>

Nice!  Multiple levels of undo as well.

No need to thank me for this, I know how dull your vacation would have been without it.


No need to thank me for this, I know how dull your vacation would have been without it.
-cranioscopical (April 07, 2009, 10:52 PM)
--- End quote ---


another update - worked out the MRU business (last 10 items)

could do with a bit more testing to be sure, but let me know how it goes

Target: some problem in the initial start-up (code below) but restarting the 2nd time turns out ok.

--- ---Error: Submenu does not exist.  The current thread will exit.

---> 057: Menu,FileMenu,add,MRU,:MyMRU

not a biggie but in the 'set length' gui, the text is not quite viewable..

I'm having a little difficulty but I think it's what I'm doing. 
Need a bit more time to experiment.
Sorry to leave you with only the morning paper to enliven your ride!

Target: some problem in the initial start-up (code below) but restarting the 2nd time turns out ok.

--- ---Error: Submenu does not exist.  The current thread will exit.-lanux128 (April 13, 2009, 09:30 PM)
--- End quote ---

clearly more work needed here - I guess I was a bit enthusiastic posting this morning (note to self - do your own damn testing!!)

error is caused because you don't have any MRU entries - I'm still working on this bit but this is some progress

not a biggie but in the 'set length' gui, the text is not quite viewable..
-lanux128 (April 13, 2009, 09:30 PM)
--- End quote ---

what resolution are you running? it's fine here (laptop @ 1280 x 800)

I'm having a little difficulty but I think it's what I'm doing. 
-cranioscopical (April 13, 2009, 10:30 PM)
--- End quote ---

welcome to my world...


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