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IDEA: Find filenames/folders above certain length and offer to rename them

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Apologies, I should have been more clear.  It should save the last custom length value you entered/used.  In regards to the folder paths, it will save the last ten (this is easily changed if ten is not enough).-skwire (March 19, 2009, 09:05 PM)
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thanks, now i understand. also retention of ten folders is more than enough. :up:

new update -

changed the sort order which allows for folder renaming at the same time as files

EDIT - removed old attachment

new update -

changed the sort order which allows for folder renaming at the same time as files-Target (March 19, 2009, 10:34 PM)
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have some suggestions though.. checking 'Folders only' option can be made auto-toggle instead of having to click 'refresh'. i haven't tried the 'trim' functions yet but the 'custom replace' sometimes renames a file without its extension, might want to check up on that.

additionally in the status bar, the 'files found' info can be broken up to:
(1) total numbers files/folders found and
(2) the numbers files/folders being viewed due to the filtering.

OK, I'm pretty sure this has to be getting close...

I wasted a lot of time chasing a non existent bug (who knew '000' and '00' would evaluate to 0... :-[) - on the upside I found a couple of other errors that were masked by the (non-existent) bug

added a couple of extra's, a new name (Maim That File!), and a limitation (it will only load a single folder (and it's child files/folders) at any one time)

let me know if this works for you (actually, any feedback is good)

Maim That File!
-Target (March 23, 2009, 05:35 PM)
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