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IDEA: Find filenames/folders above certain length and offer to rename them
an update (I can't believe the traffic this thread is drawing :o) -
this is very much a work in progress (hence the BETA tag) and as such will contain extraneous bits of code and maybe some stray messageboxes (apologies for this, they're used for debugging)
- COPY from list (CTRL+C) functionality now works
- the BETWEEN functionality now works
- the UNDO functionality now works
PLEASE TRY IT AND LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES - any feedback (good, bad, or indifferent) would be appreciated
ToDo -
- clean up the GUI and resize to fit the width of the listview controls
- I discovered a flaw in my logic for the file/folder and recursive checkboxes which I've yet to fix (DOH!! :-[)
- UNDOing something out of sequence (ie picking a folder somewhere down the list) can (will?) break the undo functionality for some items (as the paths may have changed
- block editing of UNDO list
- MRU functionality to be added
- more 'standard' hotkeys 2B added
- 'preview' functionality (2B investigated...)
Most of these will fit into the current incarnation, while others (preview) may require a more extensive rewrite...
As stated above, I really need some feedback on how this is going. I can (and do) a certain amount of testing, but I'm a bit close to the project for this to really be effective.
Thanks for the effort!
If I drag and drop files onto the list when its populated, that clears the list. (Doctor, it hurts when I do this.)
I haven't the hang of between. If I want to remove something between pos 5 and pos 9 how do I go about that?
Undo worked in my quick test.
(having internet problems tonight -- satellite feed is intermittent).
If I drag and drop files onto the list when its populated, that clears the list. (Doctor, it hurts when I do this.)
-cranioscopical (March 25, 2009, 07:57 PM)
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take 2 asprin and sue me in the morning... actually this is/was intentional as I felt (at the time) that there could be issues with paths changing - I can change this though, I just need to assess it against everything else to try and minimise any potential conflicts
I haven't the hang of between. If I want to remove something between pos 5 and pos 9 how do I go about that?
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between works using the left and right trim spinners, eg characters between the left trim and right trim values are retained... actually, having read what I've just written that is the same as trimming left AND right, so obviously I misunderstood that part...
having made a goose of myself on that point, I've now fixed the betweens (no, really) so download it again and have another go...
Undo worked in my quick test.
--- End quote ---
good to hear (at least I got something right...)
EDIT - removed old attachment
having made a goose of myself-target
--- End quote ---
I wasn't very clear, eider.
With 'between' I was hoping for the ability to excise something so that, e.g.
My Music [CJRT 1991.11d.xx] 198x.xx.xx - Coffee Cantata - JS Bach.mp3
My Music [CJRT 1992.01a.xx] 198x.xx.xx - Spem in Alium - Thomas Tallis.mp3
My Music [CJRT 1995.04b.xx] 198x.xx.xx - Quartet for the End of Time - Olivier Messiaen.mp3
My Music [CJRT 1991.11c.xx] 198x.xx.xx - Piano Medley.mp3
My Music [CJRT 1991.11d.xx] - Coffee Cantata - JS Bach.mp3
My Music [CJRT 1992.01a.xx] - Spem in Alium - Thomas Tallis.mp3
My Music [CJRT 1995.04b.xx] - Quartet for the End of Time - Olivier Messiaen.mp3
My Music [CJRT 1991.11c.xx] - Piano Medley.mp3
no, the issue was mine, I just started doing without actually thinking about what I was trying to do (DOH!!)
have you tried the fix? it should be working as expected now
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