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IDEA: Find filenames/folders above certain length and offer to rename them

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yeah, folders might be a bit of problem (if you change a folder name, all the filepaths are changed as well...)
-Target (March 17, 2009, 12:53 AM)
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if the folders are too much of a problem then renaming could be restricted to files only but display the folder length as well.

I was kinda looking forward to your solution though (I have no doubt it would be both more elegant and more capable than mine)
-Target (March 17, 2009, 12:59 AM)
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Okay, I'll start writing it.-skwire (March 17, 2009, 01:02 AM)
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thanks skwire, looking forward to that version as well. Target, i hope you will soldier on.

further update...

* F2 Hotkey - not fixed, but changed to WIN+F2 in the interim (this gives F2 back to your other applications)

* sample functionality for Trim AND custom
the script now loops through the selected items and performs whatever actions you have checked on the right hand side. Some care is needed with the custom function as it initial actions may create unintentional matches for subsequent actions.  NOTE - the actions you specify do not have any impact on the actual files at this point.  The functionality is intended for testing and evaluation purposes only

todo -

* recognises overlapping trims, ie where the total characters trimmed exceed the number of characters in a given file name
* fix the hotkey issue

* convert the sample functionality into something useful
* clean up/rationalise the gui
over to you...

lanux128, here's my take:  Name Knife

At this point, it does no renaming whatsoever; it's more of a proof of concept for the GUI.  Before I go further, please let me know if this is what you had in mind.  I tried it make it look like your example post from above.  Thanks.

the script now loops through the selected items and performs whatever actions you have checked on the right hand side. Some care is needed with the custom function as it initial actions may create unintentional matches for subsequent actions.  NOTE - the actions you specify do not have any impact on the actual files at this point.  The functionality is intended for testing and evaluation purposes only-Target (March 17, 2009, 05:58 PM)
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yes, i can see that trimming can cause certain files to have the same truncated file-names. it's a good idea that you are testing all possibilities before committing to the actual renaming. :up:


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