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Maxto-very interesting...

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And the resources used is not that much. 20 or 30 mgs of ram should not be a problem.-cmpm (March 09, 2009, 02:20 AM)
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Not a problem on any recent-spec machine, but it's quite a lot for what should really be a tiny tool :) - and for users on older machines, it could matter. I mean, geez, even IE6 browsing the donationcoder main page doesn't even take 20 megs of private bytes...

from wikipedia

this one uses 6 mgs on my machine

I havent tried this one

if you want a couple tips on grid-move, well,
this is the easiest way to use it IMO:-

Winkey+G shows a numbered grid. Press the number for the location you want and focused window goes there
If you dont like the grid press N key to show next and so on.
I generally only use one grid layout so it's just Win+G and 1 or 2 or, etc.

It's currently using 3908K (3.8MB or so) Private bytes here.
Which I do find important even with 2GB ram, try running 20 little (or not so little) apps @ 30MB apiece and you'll need a lot of memory to have enough for the really hungry ones ;)
actually I just checked in Process Explorer & I have exactly 20 (non-XP/hardware-related) apps running apart from File manager and browser..

Thanks tomos, I had to add ^ to Winkey plus g.
Making it ctrl-WinKey-g + #
It didn't work with wk+g and numbers

It didn't work with wk+g and numbers
-cmpm (March 09, 2009, 07:16 AM)
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I reported it in drag window to edge automatically resizes it thread


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