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IDEA: Shell extension to show total play time of media clips

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Just tried on a clean install of XP-pro SP1. Dropped a few folders of music (mp3) and movies (mpg), and PlayTime ( displayed it all without a hitch, and played the files I selected and that are supported by a plain XP install: mp3 and mpg are fine :)

Just for fun I dropped in an album by a quite famous (all over NL :D) singer :P
IDEA: Shell extension to show total play time of media clips

Must be some other issue bugging TT1 here :-\

@Ath: Thanks very much!  I really appreciate it.

@TT1: What happens if you cut down the extension lists to just a few extensions?

Ahh ha!  I often run apps I'm testing from the Windows temporary directory.  Well, I've found the very first one that won't work right if you do ..  it finds all the video files, but none of the audio.  Anyway, I moved it to the desktop and, voila, now it finds everything.

Kinda weird it doesn't work from %temp%, but heck, it doesn't need to.  Strange XP-sp1 bug, I guess.

Now, I wonder about the Cancel button which still doesn't work...

Thanks all.

Now, I wonder about the Cancel button which still doesn't work...-TT1 (January 31, 2012, 05:59 PM)
--- End quote ---

Try this build.  I tried to increase the thread priority of the toolbar when a scan is going.

PlayTime v1.2.6.4

TT1: required a TaskSwitcher intervention to kill it since it was using about 95% resources on my wimpy processor.  I tried fervently to get the Cancel button to work before that .. no go.

I was just thinking that a sortable column for the Modified Date as yyyy/mm/dd would be useful.  Would that be possible?

Also, Rt.-click Open Folder (a 'simple' Explorer window, without the tree .. faster).  Obviously this could only be an option for a single highlighted file.

If config.ini was instead named playtime.ini (whatever.ini actually, in case someone renames it), then there would be less potential conflicts with other programs in the same folder, should they be using the same config.ini name.



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