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IDEA: Shell extension to show total play time of media clips

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v1.2.6 is working fine for me. Should I test

My mistake, it should have been v1.2.6.2 but, sure, try it.  I've tracked it down to an issue on XPSP1/2.  Seems to work fine on XPSP3 and W7.  Let me know if it works for you and what OS you're using.

PlayTime v1.2.6.2

v1.2.6.2 is working fine on my 32-bits Vista SP 2.
I didn't notice any difference from the previous version.

v1.2.6.2 is working fine on my 32-bits Vista SP 2.
I didn't notice any difference from the previous version.-Curt (January 31, 2012, 12:11 PM)
--- End quote ---

Thanks, Curt.  This has got to be an AHK bug in regards to XPSP1/XPSP2 handling long matchlists.  At any rate, I've coded around the bug in this build:

PlayTime v1.2.6.3

Curt, TT1, could you both please test this build and see if it works for you?  I've tested it under XPSP2 (which exhibited the same issue TT1 had on SP1) but I don't have an SP1 VM to test on.  Let me know.  Thanks.

Curt: works okay on my Vista. Was it just my imagination, or it is a little slower than the previous version, to open, and to exit?


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