Software > Finished Programs
DONE: Random (real random) file from folder and subfolders
Hey, I'm sorry to necro this thread, but I downloaded this program a few years back, sadly due to moving computers I have lost the program files. I would like to redownload it, however the download link has been overtaken by spam so I cannot redownload the program
I would really appreciate it if anyone has any solutions as I really enjoyed using this program
Thanks for posting, Gurg. I tried the download link and agree it's now popping up lots of spam if you try to download it. Scancode, the original author, comes around fairly regularly -- hopefully he'll see this and give us a fixed download asap.
In the meantime if anyone has their own copy of the program files I'd appreciate it if you could privately contact me about downloading them
@mouser thanks for the heds up!
@Gurg, I have updated the download link. Turns out I had lost control of that domain a while ago! :/
Thank you very much!
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