Software > Finished Programs
DONE: Random (real random) file from folder and subfolders
This is a REQ and no IDEA because I can't imagine anyone else wanting this piece of software:
I've like many tv shows on my harddisk, and I can't really deside which one to watch. You have to specify:
- Top folder (where it will search including subfolders)
- Extensions (Which extensions to include in the sears)
- Number of times (like how many random files do you want)
The result is: A list of files where you can click on and when you click on it it selects the file in explorer. (Picasa does have that feature, it selects a picture in explorer, like that)
App name: Pick Me!
Pick me!
a random file selector(Big yay to weird requests!)DONE: Random (real random) file from folder and subfolders
DONE: Random (real random) file from folder and subfolders
DONE: Random (real random) file from folder and subfoldersCommandline usage: pickme.exe mp3;wma;aac/C:\documents and settings\nahuel\
that means, pickme.exe EXTENSIONS/PATH
edit, it's a forward slash
DO NOT use quotes in path.
20:06 06/03/2009
* Now the listbox allows for multiple selection (for drag and drop)20:18 06/03/2009
* Added new "Compressed Files" preset.12:53 07/03/2009
* Extended selection thingy.
* Now you have to use CTRL to drag files out of the list :(
* Number of results bug fixed.19:29 09/03/2009
* Random number rounding bug fixed.
* Extensions are not case-sensitive anymore.14:24 10/03/2009
* Bugfix: When using ALT+F4 to abort the current operation, Pick me! kept running on the background.
* Bugfix: More rounding issues.
* Code cleanup.
* XP Styles support (!)
* Now tracks moved/deleted files.
* Modified dragging code to use right mouse button. Now you get a nice popup menu.Download (VB6 runtimes required on Windows 9x/NT/2000)
Also check my other programs at xxxx:// Jellyfish Systems
Visual Basic 6? Scancode, should I laugh at you now?
Visual Basic 6? Scancode, should I laugh at you now?
-Josh (March 05, 2009, 09:52 PM)
--- End quote ---
Surprised? Most of my DC-released programs are coded in VB6!
Why? Because it's the lang I feel more comfortable with, so if someone requires a crazy change, I can do it in no time.
And yes, you can laugh at me if you want. See if I care.
nice idea, nice work scancode :up:
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