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How to best make CAPS LOCK act like SHIFT TAB?
I've been going over tons of websites talking about the caps lock key and how to remap it to do something else. However, NONE of the material I've read shows how it can be changed to act like a back tab (SHIFT TAB key). I'd like to avoid having a resident app running and intercepting the key and then translating it. Is there any way the registry can be changed to remap this to SHIFT TAB? I saw a keyboard once that had separate keys for tab and backtab. How was this done?
I would have thought AutoHotkey. I thought it couldnt change the CapsLock key though due to it's on/off nature (can anyone confirm or deny that?) does include the CapsLock key :-\
What's the key above the TAB key on your keyboard - could that be used?
(disclaimer - I know very little about AutoHotkey :))
I'm probably getting bothersome with this, but again, if you need something really lightweight and simple, try free and open-source HotkeyP. I've just tried what you requested and it works. Of course it's memory resident, though.
Or, if you insist on registry modification, try KeyTweak, but I didn't know it.
Or, if you insist on registry modification, try KeyTweak, but I didn't know it.
-yksyks (March 05, 2009, 06:09 AM)
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I know there was a thread about changing keys which debated a little the pros/cons of using registry but I cant find the beggar :(
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