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New user - trying to streamline the workflow


Lolipop Jones:
Hi, can't seem to get exactly the right SC configuration to do what I want here.

What I'm doing is going to a large number of websites in succession, and each time:

(1) grab a "selected region" of the screen using Shift-PrintScr
(2) I get the "what now?" popup from SC and select "image to clipboard"
(3) go to another window which contains an open Corel Draw session and paste the image with Ctl-V
(4) go to another webpage for another capture

Where I seem to have my problem is when I get to Step 4.  Hitting Shift-PrtSc does not bring up the crosshair cursor unless I first mouse over to the taskbar, bring up the SC popup screen and select "Discard image". 

Is there an option setting that will tell SC to be ready to accept a new Shift-PrtSc instantly upon the previous capture's being sent to the clipboard?

what version of screenshot captor are you using?  it seems to me that the latest beta may have an issue with these shift+prtscr captures.

it's often most useful to disable that post-capture popup dialog if you know what you want to do.
you can have sc auto copy the capture to the clipboard and stay minimized -- that would streamline your workflow.
or of course you could go even faster if you just let sc keep capturing and saving each image and staying mininimized, and doing that in bulk before opening up sc and dragging and dropping batches of images to corel.

Lolipop Jones:
"copy to clipboard" and "stay minimized" gave me exactly what I needed

Thanks Mouser for the quick reply!

glad to hear it :up:


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