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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

Surfulater 50% discount @ on Mar 4

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Paul Keith:
Yes it's limited because unlike say a notepad where you would possibly input some random less important text to it, even if you can export the files out of a web clipper, you don't really think to test it. You just use it and expect it to grow and then a few months later, realize what you like and don't like about it.

That's why with a 30-day model, you're still limited because you still have to have that nagging feeling that your data is insecure within the program and that defeats the true feel of a web clipper which is to clip as much sites as you think you want to keep at random intervals and random moods and then organize it from there.

Basically a 30-day trial model screams "Don't try this unless you're just really looking for a specific feature and have definitely made up your mind that you do indeed want a web clipping program much less this web clipping program you are about to buy because you know this program fills what you've been missing from all the other free web clippers"

I was VERY lucky to have been able to grab this deal. You still have 6 hrs and 43 minutes left  - though that isn't always accurate - that's what it said when I just now looked at the site. 

On the comments page at Bits there is this post in response to a complaint about the price - which most seem to agree is high: 

"We have no plans for further price increases. Also please note that we have increased the number of computers Surfulater can be installed on from 2 to 5 with the Version 3 Release, which we feel is generous and caters for people wanting to use Surfulater on their Home, Work, Notebook PC's etc. Version 3 also includes major new functionality, with more to come through the Version 3 series of releases.

We never said we would not charge for upgrades. In fact our FAQ Web page stated that if and when we did, they would be discounted 50%, so we were always completely up front. Some people however read this differently.

Our upgrade policy now is as follows:
"All updates to the current version number are free, while major upgrades are provided at a 50% discount for existing users." "

SO for now it is available at a great price. Whatever they may do in the future, I will get years of good service from it.

But if I already have Evernote (2 & 3), OneNote and Ultra Recall, what extra would I gain from Surfulater?
And it does seem expensive.

But if I already have Evernote (2 & 3), OneNote and Ultra Recall, what extra would I gain from Surfulater?
And it does seem expensive.
-Dormouse (March 04, 2009, 06:30 PM)
--- End quote ---

If you don't hurry up, you will never know.  :)

Carol Haynes:
Our upgrade policy now is as follows:
"All updates to the current version number are free, while major upgrades are provided at a 50% discount for existing users."
-sazzen (March 04, 2009, 04:22 PM)
--- End quote ---

Strange when I wanted to upgrade from version 2 they said I had pay the full price for version 3 because my purchase was too long ago.

Given that they have only released version 3 how was I supposed to upgrade when there wasn't one available?


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