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CZB pack

<< < (10/20) > >>

Thanks czb! To get immediate lookups (only) on new text with an end space I tweaked the if-statement and added a var below it, like so:

--- ---if(idletime === 0 && match && match[1] && match[1].search(/ $/) != -1 && matchold != match[1]){
 var matchold = match[1];

if you find any other bugs, or have any ideas let me know. I have some time for CZB coding now-czb (September 01, 2009, 11:33 AM)
--- End quote ---

If you have some time, I get the same Google Translate error as Anaderi mentioned above:

if you find any other bugs, or have any ideas let me know. I have some time for CZB coding now-czb (September 01, 2009, 11:33 AM)
--- End quote ---

If you have some time, I get the same Google Translate error as Anaderi mentioned above:
-skwire (October 03, 2009, 04:43 AM)
--- End quote ---

Could you please translate what it says?

Could you please translate what it says?-czb (October 03, 2009, 06:43 AM)
--- End quote ---

My apologies.  I forgot that his was in Russian.  Here's what mine looks like:

CZB pack

Thanks. It is however difficult to track the bug as it does not happen to me. So could you please give me more information?

Does it happen only when you type "gt en"? or any other language? Please be precise even with spaces etc, so I know when exactly this happen.

Do you use fsubscript downloaded from this thread or any other?

Does the plugin work even with the message, i.e. can you use the google translater in CZB?

Is there anything else which might help me? :-[

Thanks for the information


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