Software > DesktopCoral
Can not get it to work
Hello, I can not get this Desktop Coral to work for the life of me. It was working just fine until I changed my theme. It worked one time earlier today, but has not since then. Its very frustrating. Are there any known issues as far as software it conflicts with? Is it my theme itself or a registry error? I need insights. Thanks.
I have a theory regarding this program... I think that maybe any themes which make your windows taskbar larger than default break this software. The first time it was working, I had a standard sized taskbar with my theme, however, since I changed to themes with larger taskbars (Window Vista theme, Windows Seven theme) it has not worked. can you please check this one out Mouser and see if its the case? If so, can you address it in future releases? I will test this theory myself soon. Thanks!
can you try the new beta:
I would love to! It actually worked briefly yesterday for me... but another program caused explorer to crash right when it did... figures, the first time explorer had crashed in a long time too.
No change... the only thing I can think of is that something on my computer has been modified, and its keeping it from working. I will have to tinker around some more. Thanks for your efforts.
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