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Is World of Warcraft the only depression-proof industry?

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So Codebyte, you're saying it's a life-sucking virus?  ;D  (I can't afford the subscr. price anyway.)

wow, I really cant wait to try it now!!!

People over here are playing 'Silkroad Online' a lot!

It is nice enough to look at (as it requires DX9.0c), and everything is there (quest, magic, money, shop (of your own) chat, etc.). And it is free.

Guess it goes without saying, but during the weekends it is kinda hard to get on any of 20 or so (free) servers.

Is it just me that's dull, or isn't there any screenshots on the silkroad site? O_o

Why People Hate WOW...  I play but not addicted to it       :|


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