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silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]

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Green bananas.
"Nah." says the bloke, "I'm just a really bad conductor."

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-IainB (November 14, 2013, 02:25 PM)
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 ;D ;D ;D

Stoic Joker:
Green bananas.
"Nah." says the bloke, "I'm just a really bad conductor."

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-IainB (November 14, 2013, 02:25 PM)
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 ;D ;D ;D
-tomos (November 14, 2013, 04:00 PM)
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I'll 2nd that:  ;D ;D ;D

Do you think this company has a hiring policy?

Do you think this company has a hiring policy?
-app103 (November 14, 2013, 08:52 PM)
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Haha! To put it in words, Hire White-ish women, up to the Glass Ceiling, then hire White Men at the top?

:tellme:   8)

"political science is not a real science."-app103 (November 14, 2013, 10:20 AM)
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That's Epic App! When was the date of that book!? 1977, before "political correctness"?-TaoPhoenix (November 14, 2013, 10:58 AM)
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Likewise, political correctness is not real correctness. 8)


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