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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]

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Arizona Hot:
People lose socks and keys, but can you lose a building?

People lose socks and keys, but can you lose a building?
-Arizona Hot (March 07, 2020, 07:38 PM)
--- End quote ---

Go to a casino and find out...?


Arizona Hot:
Do mannequins celebrate Holloween?
Can you have an intelligent conversation with a mannequin or are they airheads?

Holloween -Urban Dictionary

Arizona Hot:
silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]

One shot would probably blow the whole car over

silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]

Safety first when you're working at height!

Both links are redundant copies to the same page.


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