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silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]
In TechDirt there is news of key Internet issues being addressed and resolved at last in the Middle East:
Iranian Grand Ayatollah Issues Fatwa Against 'Immoral' High-Speed Internet Connections | Techdirt
(Copied below sans embedded hyperlinks/images.)
...the Grand Ayatollah of Iran, who has arbitrarily determined that high-speed connections are an affront to [this particular] God.
A Grand Ayatollah in Iran has determined that access to high-speed and 3G Internet is “against Sharia” and “against moral standards.” In answer to a question published on his website, Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, one of the country’s highest clerical authorities, issued a fatwa, stating “All third generation [3G] and high-speed internet services, prior to realization of the required conditions for the National Information Network [Iran’s government-controlled and censored Internet which is under development], is against Sharia [and] against moral and human standards.”
Left undiscussed is how incremental increases in speed are incremental increases in sin or how exactly an Iran-only internet would redeem "immoral" high-speed connections. These sorts of questions are better left unasked, especially in a nation filled with religious leaders that can impose and carry out death penalties with impunity.
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This probably explains why I've always felt uneasy about the free rein that seems to increasingly be given for people to use high-speed Internet communications - we all have been born with this kind of inner moral compass that tells us when things are spiritually wrong, and we fail to heed it at our peril in the afterlife. I'm going back to dial-up.
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