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silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]

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-app103 (September 07, 2014, 08:34 AM)
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BWAHAHAHAHA~! That was awesome!  :Thmbsup:

My neighbour is a kiwi. I forget whether it was her or someone else pointing out the pronunciation of 'e' is often like 'i' in New Zealand.

Every now and then I learn a new word, and those with me get a kick out of me not knowing some terminology/slang.

Accents around here are pretty wild though. There's an extreme diversity.

Here's a list of some friends and neighbours by ethnicity and accent (there are some interesting mixes).

Egyptian - Victorian Australian accent
Egyptian - Arabic English accent with some Victorian Australian smoothing
Irish - Irish accent
Indian - Victorian Australian accent (no Indian accent)
Canadian - Canadian accent
Australian - Queensland accent
Vietnamese - British RP mixed with Victorian Australian accent (and she's North Vietnamese, not south)
Vietnamese - North Vietnamese English accent largely smoothed by Victorian Australian English
Sudanese - Thick accent with Victorian Australian accent smoothings
Croatian - Heavy Australian accent (that I can't make out the location - seems Queenslandish, but he's never lived there) with Croatian tones
Swedish - Heavy Swedish English accent with very little Australian English smoothing (he's 80ish and has lived here for 50+ years)

Anyways, just one of those things of casual interest.

I should go out on my deck for a fag now. ;) :P

I'd never seen this before. At first I thought it was a parody, but no, it's the real deal.

-Renegade (September 07, 2014, 02:21 AM)
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It was in the second wave of Schoolhouse Rock vids... and they were quickly cancelled.  You'd think that we've become unable to hear the truth in a children's cartoon or something...

You'd think that we've become unable to hear the truth in a children's cartoon or something...
-wraith808 (September 07, 2014, 11:38 PM)
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Sadly, that seems to be truth  :Wizard:.  On the other hand, it's easy to laugh at such  :eusa_boohoo:

My neighbour is a kiwi. I forget whether it was her or someone else pointing out the pronunciation of 'e' is often like 'i' in New Zealand.-Renegade (September 07, 2014, 09:06 AM)
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Normally it's the other way round, (for me anyway), quickest way to identify a Kiwi is get them to say the Number of the Beast  ;)

Works every time, even in the back blocks of Nevada ...

Canadian - Canadian accent
-Renegade (September 07, 2014, 09:06 AM)
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American English Canadians don't seem to have accents but when they say 'out' it sounds more like oot... as in hoot or reboot.   :)


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