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Hound: a grep-alike that searches inside PDFs

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:D hey guys - jimmythefork is actually my website! I'm glad that you liked hound! and yep that is dolly the cloned sheep.

I've made a new version of hound in c# and I'll put it online soon


Welcome to DC, Fidel   :)

It was worth downloading Eggbert for the look of alarm when you exit   ;D  But did you know that E-Mail Checker gets stamped on by PC-Cillin AV?  Another over-enthusiastic false positive?

thanks rj :)

For sure an over-enthusiastic false positive. What does it say is wrong with it??

For sure an over-enthusiastic false positive. What does it say is wrong with it??
-fiddyschmitt (July 07, 2009, 06:53 PM)
--- End quote ---

I can't remember what OfficeScan said the first time.  I just downloaded again and tried once more, but the only message in OfficeScan's log is "Possible_Virus."  That's oh, so helpful   >:(

Yes, Hound seems to reliably search through PDFs.

Thanks goes to rjbull for the recommendation and to Fidel aka Jimmy the Fork for the cool app. :Thmbsup:


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