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Post your NANY 2009 Mug/Shirt Pics here..

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HAHA! I didnt mean to include the iphone, but i was kind of posting it up there in a hurry to get back to work :) Thnx scan, I agree with u :)

Edit: Bold for scancode
-Codebyte (February 03, 2009, 05:22 PM)
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Haha... take it for what you will... I hate pictures! Here is my shirt!!!
-Codebyte (February 03, 2009, 05:10 PM)
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That photo couldĀ“ve been awesomely better. Take a look!
-scancode (February 03, 2009, 05:20 PM)
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No, now it's awesomely better!

No, now it's awesomely better!
 (see attachment in previous post)
-Deozaan (February 04, 2009, 01:09 AM)
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I disagree! Mine is better!

Ooooh, this reminds me...

*checks email*

Yeah, email from 29. January. "dc mouser has sent you a Gift Certificate". Woops, better go order that mug :-[

All of the mug gift certificates have been mailed out -- check your emails from around jan 29/30 and let me know if you can't find.  Rather than send the mugs/shirts directly everyone got a gift certificate from cafepress and instructions on where to go to order your dc mugs.  Everything is paid for you just have to put in your address.


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