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Firefox Extensions: Your favorite or most useful
Yes, please. Get out.
important link if you ever want to install a userscript:
Redirect to
Script Summary:On any web page it will check if the clicked links goes to If so, the link will be rewritten to point to
PROBLEM: is unreachable.
SOLUTION: On any web page, this script will redirect links to
DETAILS: The source code is very short and simple to understand.-userscripts-mirror
--- End quote ---
I'm easily confused so please talk s...l.....oooo.......w!
I'm still looking for the "supposed" script to disable lazyload.
I just came from that site with over 137,000 scripts on over 5,000 pages.
I'll need a clue as to how we do business there.
Got any tips>
@Curt: Ah, many thanks for posting that. You saved me the trouble - I hadn't been sure where to post it (had forgotten this discussion thread) when I saw it yesterday in my feed-reader, referenced in this post in The Windows Club: Greasemonkey scripts for Firefox: What it does and how to use it
How did you find out about that mirror? It seems to have been a little-known item, which always makes me curious.
I had been presuming that somebody was deliberately killing off as it has become well nigh impossible to connect to them, and so I had been resorting to using the Wayback machine (where many/all the scripts seem to be have been stored) - but it seems that, to make use of Wayback as a script archive, you probably first need to know the ID of the script you want! :(
Tuxman: seems to just have gone. Well, there are some alternatives.
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