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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Firefox Extensions: Your favorite or most useful

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good find crono, we'll leave this to the firefox people then, they seem to know what they are doing and have enough cash to fund some good prizes :)

more info here too:

contest ends January 6, 2006.

Forget NetCaptor! If you want to stay with an IE-based browser then that's cool. A lot of people prefer the way IE does things, but do yourself a favor...check out Maxthon. It beats Netcaptor on all fronts. Furthermore, Maxthon has plugins like Firefox does so if there's any lack of features out of the box chances are a plugin will take care of it.

And did I mention that unlike NetCaptor Maxthon is free? :)

Adblock (and google for "adblock list" to make it effective)

Fasterfox - speed up your browsing experience by tricks like preloading links before you click them, tweaking memory and disk cache, etc.

Tabbrowser Preferences - for less sucky tabs

Download Manager Tweak - so download window shows as a tab, etc.

Mouse Gestures - because my mouse doesn't have a "forward" button.

ScrapBook - because it's way more handy than "file->save page as".

--- extensions added after reading this thread ---

Tab X

fodder - get yourself a mouse with back+forward buttons asap - makes all the difference in the world; seriously it makes surfing a lot more fun.

Well, I have a back-button which is enough most of the time, and it doesn't get in my way. Some of the mice I've used when visiting friends and relatives have really pi$$ed me off, too many buttons programmed to do weird things. When I do need "forward", holding down the right mousebutton and moving the mouse right is easy enough :)

My current mouse (logitech mx300) is wearing out, though... sucks that the majority of non-crap mice around today seem to be very fancy-pants, I want something simpler (being left-handed and all).


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