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REQ - Tiny taskbar clock for secondary screen

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I don't have 2 monitors so I can't test this, but feel free to try this one

it's similar to app's DClock, but without any options to customise - if it works, I'll see what I can do...

I don't have 2 monitors so I can't test this, but feel free to try this one

it's similar to app's DClock, but without any options to customise - if it works, I'll see what I can do...
-Target (March 03, 2009, 07:37 PM)
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Now it goes to the primary screen. If you could manipulate it to go to the other screen, I can help you with providing graphics?

I wondered about that, I'll see if i can find a way around this

what about the format/appearance?

I used RainMeter to display a fancy clock on my desktop. And some other stuff.
REQ - Tiny taskbar clock for secondary screen

It's free and simple!

Have you tried ClocX ( I'm not sure it's flexible enough to make it look the way you want it to, but I have it on my second monitor on the upper left (I'm also using UltraMon) at 50% transparency and set to click-through mode so I can see a clock when I'm playing a game on my primary monitor.  I like the click-through feature, because that way it can stay on top but not interfere with any menus, etc. on other windows underneath it.

Bob Y.


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