Software > DesktopCoral
I must be doing something wrong
I don't know how to use this thing. All my windows maximize normally. I have look through a couple pages on the forum and they haven't offered any solutions. Its always someone replying that they figured it out on their own. So if someone can please give me a detailed noob version of how to make it work that would be great. I am running Windows XP with SP 2, and RocketDock. Thanks.
Having the same problem with rocketdock. also using allsnap and sizer, maybe they are to blame? oh, and I run Windows XP.
The basic way you use desktop coral is to move the panel to one of the sides of your monitor and dock it there, and then resize it as you wish. That is all. You can set it transparent after you get it where you want.
Ah. I jumped to conclusions a little too early :-[
It worked after I closed and opened my windows heh. Thanks for this great little app :) I only wish I could hide the tray icon..
I moved it to the edge and resized it to fit around my dock. Still didn't work, went into the settings and played around with stuff...nothing.
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