Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room - Complaints, Problems, and Rooms for Improvement
Carol Haynes:
Darwin - just use control+click and you can do that now.
Here's (a minor) one: I'd like to be able to click on a link on my "Unread posts" page and have the link opened in a new tab. Ditto for the main "Forum" page, actually... it would be nice to be able to keep the Forum page open and have any boards or messages that I click on open in new tabs.
-Darwin (January 18, 2009, 11:04 AM)
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could use a browser that does 'drag and drop' opening. don't think firefox does it. MAXTHON does.
i.e. don't click the link, just click and drag the link away slightly - each dragged link opens in a new tab. i've been reading the 'unread posts' page like that for a long time.
the good thing with how it works is that the new tab opens up behind the current page you are on - so you can quickly go through the list and open the links you want. then just hit 'mark all messages read'.
I don't know how many programs Skrommel has on his page but I find it very slow to find what I want and it takes a while to fully load. If it has a way to alphabetize it or to group them to find them easier? :-\
-techidave (January 17, 2009, 07:02 AM)
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Dave, the links at the top of his page are in alphabetical order
It does take time to load all right ...
Your right tomos, they are in order. If you scroll down the page, they are not. But when you click a link at the top of the page it should take you to it. I guess I thought they should be in alphabetical order there as well.
Does his page have links to all of this programs??
Carol - OMG, I can't believe I hadn't discovered that one on my own :-[ My excuse is my years of IE use where it is SHIFT-Click that opens a new window - when I moved to Maxthon, SHIFT-Click opened a new tab... Of course, as nudone notes, in Maxthon I got used to just using Maxthon's built-in mouse gesture to do this.
CTRL-click? Who knew?
PS as readers may infer from the above, I've switched to Firefox 3...
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