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MOVE: Quick Serial Number Copy

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Yeah, I think it has been e-mailed to me by mouser. I'll check my mail in a little and post again!

Long story short, I think it would be awesome to have a fSekrit tweeked for serials. The twist: it would have a marco (or is it macro?) function that would put in multiple field registration infos for you.

Sorry for re-hashing an old thread, but I have an idea that might be very cool...

Most of the programs listed require manually copying and pasting the serial once it's been found in the database. A more automated solution would be a lot cooler!

I don't have the details worked out, but it would be very cool if a program could "record" you entering a serial, then on demand replay the necessary steps to do it automatically.

Consider the nVidia PureVideo Decoder: It requires 4 pieces of information in 2 seperate windows to register.
To activate the trial version please use the activation information below during the installation process.

First and Last Name: NVIDIA Trial
Email Address: [email protected]
Last 4 Digits of Credit Card: 2004
Activation Key: 7152-9346-DD6E-2CB0-79A3-5F08-AC23-the nVidia Website
--- End quote ---

Which when entered properly look like:
I know this isn't the best example, but I think everyone will see what I'm getting at...

The recording process would save 2 files:
The first would be a unique filetype like Carol suggested. Something like "nVidia PureVideo.SERIAL". This file would pretty much be a text file, that might contain something like the following:

--- ---[Begin]
[Execute]nVidia PureVideo Decoder Serial.exe[/Execute]
The second file would be a recording of the necessary keystrokes to register the particular application. This info would be saved into an encrypted file (maybe by using f0dder's fSekrit) named something like: "nVidia PureVideo Decoder Serial.exe".
The recorded info produced from the nVidia registration might look something like the following:

--- ---[Begin]
[WaitForWindow]NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder Setup[/WaitForWindow]
[FindText]Product Activation Step 1 of 2[/FindText]
[String]NVIDIA Trial[/String]
[String][email protected][/String]

[WaitForWindow]NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder Setup[/WaitForWindow]
[FindText]Product Activation Step 2 of 2[/FindText]
Next time you need to install the nVidia PureVideo Decoder you would open the "nVidia PureVideo.SERIAL" file, which would in turn open the fSekrit file (after you enter the correct password) and wait for the appropriate windows and parse the info.

For programs that have multiple fields for a normal serial, the fSekrit file might look something like the following:

--- ---[Begin]
[FindText]I do what I wan'[/FindText]

Carol Haynes:
Only problem I can see with that as an idea is that you are counting on software developers to keep identical registration processes between updates. Seems like quite a complicated thing to set up too??

Yeah, that is definately an issue...

I was thinking, maybe a better approach would be a little more manual, but still automated.
The fSekrit like part would have 2 modes: Edit and Play

Edit mode would pretty much be a text document, that would handle simple scripts, something like:

--- ---[Begin]
[Name]First + Last Name[/Name]
[EnterString]NVIDIA Trial[/EnterString]

[EnterString][email protected][/EnterString]

[Name]Last 4 of credit card[/Name]

[EnterKeys, Delay=100]7152-9346-DD6E-2CB0-79A3-5F08-AC23[/EnterKeys]
The Play mode would pretty much have a column of buttons. Each "[Begin]" to "[End]" from the script would be a single button. Clicking the button would automatically enter that info into where-ever the curser is. The best part would be my made up "EnterKeys" command, which would type the keys out marco style for serial numbers that need to be entered into multiple fields.

To register your program you'd simply have to:
1. Put the curser where the info needs to be
2. Click the appropriate button on the fSekrit thingy
3. Repeat...

Why re-invent the wheel twice? ;) Everything you ask for is already available in Keepass in a function called "auto-type".

Short example: (considering Keepass is launched and sitting in the task tray).

A website or application installer needs a password.
You hit the global auto-type shortcut.
Keepass checks if the title of the current window is a.) the title of a record or b.) configured in a record as "auto-type-window".
If there is more than one hit, a pop up appears, asking you to select the proper record
Keepass sends "auto-type" or - if not configured - USERNAME TAB PASSWORD ENTER.

You can of course also open Keepass, search your record and let "auto type" execute (on the last active window).

Auto-type is just like any macro language allowing to send any key + comes with some extra commands like

--- ---[Title field {TITLE} or %TITLE%
Username field {USERNAME} or %USERNAME%
URL field {URL} or %URL%
Password field {PASSWORD} or %PASSWORD%
Notes field {NOTES} or %NOTES%
{VKEY X} Sends the VKEY of value X.
{BEEP X Y} Beeps with a frequency of X and a duration of Y milliseconds.
{DELAY X} Delays X milliseconds.
{DELAY=X} Sets the default delay to X milliseconds for all following keypresses.
{APPACTIVATE WindowTitle} Activates the window "WindowTitle".
{APPDIR} Will be replaced by the current application directory path.
{CLEARFIELD} Clears the contents of the edit control that currently has the focus.

I think even complicated commands (like for nVidia Pure Video) should be possible.


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