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GridMove Identified by Symantec AntiVirus as Backdoor Trojan

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Oh man, now that's cool. I seriously wasn't expecting you guys to do that, since it was my own job. Thanks a lot! :D

lol@ "cleaned by deletion" - why can't the monkeys just call it deleted?

I personally feel it's a really bad/dangerous choice to let an AV whack off files on its own without prompting the user for action, you never know what'll scare it next.

-nosh (July 12, 2008, 07:08 AM)
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I actually had an AV remove a whole custom folder of things a friend helped me make for remotely controlling my PC. The AV (I think it was norton ironically enough) listed them as "hacking tools" and removed them without asking, gone forever. What the AV does when it finds what it THINKS are 'infections' is one of my #1 concerns when finding an AV now.

i heard BitDefender has an option to exclude files/folders from being scanned. i wonder if there is any truth in that? while it'll be good for custom AHK scripts, it leaves a door open for other malwares to reside in that folder.

I've made an update to gridmove, let's see if it solves these problems.


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