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Please fix this

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But that should be Alt+4 not Alt+F4... :P-wreckedcarzz (January 12, 2009, 09:11 PM)
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as it happens to be, the function key is involved in launching items. anyway to close Farr, you can either press Esc or Pause key.


Hmm... kind of strange and logical at the same time I guess. Just kind of unusual to override a Windows hotkey, I suppose.

Last second thought: You can also double click the top left of FARR (where the icon would be) to close it as well. That might work better if your hand is on the mouse and it is faster... depends on the situation I guess. Figured I would point out that it works even with the skinning system, though.

i suppose i should make it an option whether to use alt+Fkeys

Wouldn't simply binding ALT + F4 to 'exit farr' fix it? F4 launches 4th result, fine. But when it's pressed with Alt simultaneously it should register it appropriately. Perhaps because no action is bound to ALT + F4 it registers it as just F4?

Bottom line; Alt + F4 != F4.


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