Alright, figured I should update this topic with some fresh info...
I have done my NANY program (updates to come, it isn't finished, but is completely usable as-is)
MiniBrowseIE, however because I am just so nice (
) I am not only re-doing my website to be more... not crappy, but am uploading just about all my code/projects for everything I have. Only a select few things were left out (mostly computer class stuff) - amongst the things are FloorIt 2's source code (!), FloorIt source code, SnapSuite 2009 source code (I'm not kidding here
), along with lots of other programs (both released and unreleased/personal apps). I do not think that any of them contain any code that is bad (I mean passwords/usernames - I have left out
DownloadForever and UploadForever, along with Update Managers for FloorIt 2 & MiniBrowseIE because of this).
If you are someone I know (see and am familiar with) on the forum (Deozaan, Curt, etc - anyone that frequents the forum w/ a good post count), or anyone of authority (mouser, Carol, nudone, etc) and you, for whatever reason, want access at anything I haven't uploaded, your more than welcome to get it
If your wondering why I am posting all this info and free code: I love open source. For the end users, it is free software that has a large amount of programmers behind it, with lots of updates. For the programmers, you can find a program and help contribute to it, or take the source code and learn/build with it.
If you are going to make changes to anything I have uploaded, all that I ask is that you give me credit somewhere, and that you please send the updated code back to me - it helps me. I have TONS of dead projects on my hard drive because somewhere along the line I got stuck on X, Y or Z and just gave up. And if someone of greater knowledge can jump that hoop and then show me how they did, I can then apply that knowledge and possibly revive what would have been nothing more than dormant files.
Download. Code. Enjoy. Return.