Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Wrap Up
Thank you Perry!
Thanks from me too Perry
(mouser, theses smilies scare me)
Agreed, cheers to Perry. If you weren't on his list of pledges, you only saw a small part of the organization that he put into this.
Perry - thank you so much! Fantastic - before you wrote this wrap-up, and I was able to see all the NANY entries in one place, I had no idea what an amazing number of great apps were entered :Thmbsup: :-*
This year's was the best one yet...and so organized! Thank you Perry! You were the best pest ever!
And for all those that pledged and submitted a project...
(mouser, theses smilies scare me)
-kwacky1 (January 02, 2009, 07:59 AM)
--- End quote ---
They are from my collection. ;D
There is a certain culture to particular e-mail & chat communities on AOL, with a tradition of sending emails with graphics like these (aka "tags") when someone helps or does something nice for you. Also a tradition to send a tag back saying "you're welcome" if you ever get one. The collection on this site is partly made of the ones that were sent to me.
There are also mailing lists that people can subscribe to where they can get a bunch of sets to use for various purposes, each month. The artists and other volunteers will even customize them with your name or other message. Often, they are themed for upcoming holidays. That's where the rest came from. (Yeah, I know most of them are pretty girly, but it's mostly women that make them.)
Up until about 2 years ago, I was collecting them like they were baseball cards. In total, I have close to 3000 of them. :D
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