Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Wrap Up
I'd like to thank the academy, mouser, Perry, and of course everyone who submitted an entry for their wonderful efforts that made this NANY a huge success!
Hey Perry!
You really did your job very good! Thank you again for bug-checking!
Did anyone really thought he could win a prize with a Nany-prog? ;D (I only hoped to get one of these mugs as reward or perhaps nothing)
I'd like to thank the academy, mouser, Perry, and of course everyone who submitted an entry for their wonderful efforts that made this NANY a huge success!
-Deozaan (January 02, 2009, 05:21 PM)
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Nice one Deo.
I would also like to thank N.A.N.Y. 2009 participants, Perry Mowbray, and um, er... damn it, where is my note? Just a second, just a second. OK. Here is my contribution...
Thanks to both mouser and especially Perry. You put a monumental effort into this, and it shows!
i've done it before so i know how much work it is organizing these things, but perry did it all this year, and did a better job of organizing people than i ever did -- and the proof is in the pudding. :up:
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