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2008 Cybernet Awards Are Out.. Wins Most Useful Forum!!
I know there are many here who help make this place special. See them in post count order:
Donation Coder Supporters
-Rover (January 01, 2009, 11:01 PM)
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Hah, I knew that this was a special place, but Cybernet news should have awarded the only award possible for this site:
"Must Useful Forum of Ever" :Thmbsup:
I know there are many here who help make this place special. See them in post count order:
Donation Coder Supporters-Rover (January 01, 2009, 11:01 PM)
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Oh so that's what order it's wonder I could never find myself. ;D
You know, I was really careful to look at that page before making this post, so either I'm -whacked- or sorting features have been added in the last hour.
Let's just assume the latter: Thanks DC! Nice feature! :)
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