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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Annoyance of Windows Start Menu


Overall, I have no real problem with the Windows XP Start Menu.  It's perfectly fine.  However, there is one thing about the start menu that seriously annoys me:  the fact that I can't scroll it with my mouse wheel.  I've been racking my brain for how to enable this with a simple AHK script, but I'm not having any luck.  The Windows messages that go flying around when I make the menu scroll don't tell me anything about what messages I should send to make it scroll up or down.  Help, please?


How to scroll start menu with mouse wheel

How to scroll start menu with mouse wheel
-PhilB66 (December 27, 2008, 11:12 AM)
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;D I know about that one already...I posted it, and as I said in the only response I've gotten so far, the solution there doesn't do what I want.


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