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Bad smells ... UPS recommendations ?

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Carol Haynes:
Nice Xmas Day present - strong sulfurous odours permeating the house.

At first I thought it was something the cats had eaten but eventually tracked it down to a Belkin UPS.

The UPS was EXTREMELY HOT - so hot I couldn't touch parts of the case and having waited for it to cool down I found the lead acid batteries inside had deformed plastic cases (though luckily I caught it before the ruptured).

This was extremely worrying as I often leave the device switched on for days at a time (even when I am not at home).

Anyone experienced this before? Anyone got any suggestions for a good alternative (it has to be UK compatible)?

I did a quick websearch and there are numerous references to this problem with Belkin UPS. It isn't an issue I have come across beofre and I am now on my 5th device (having had free replacements in the past under warranty when the batteries stopped charging fully and bought more than one device).

Other people seem to be recommending APC UPS devices (which have the advantage of user replacement batteries - without even having to switch off and a 2 year warranty).

I am looking at:




Anyone any experience with wither of these or can suggest an alternative for under £150 (UKP) ?

Also can anyone see why the second device is lower power rated and more expensive? I find the APC website quite confusing as they have UPS devices for all countries listed together and appearing in the results of searches together!

I have a small APC and i've been really happy with it.

Carol Haynes:
Thanks - yes I have seen some of the small ones and am thinking of getting one for hi-fi/tv etc. equipment.

I'm using three APC BACK-UPS CS 500 for more than three years (so it's time to replace batteries...), and I'm quite happy with them. Recently I replaced one of them with the APC BACK-UPS RS 800 model and I'm absolutely satisfied with it, too. It's a bit overkill for my needs, but it was the only model with sufficient capacity at that time.

I've used Belkin, APC and TrippLite, UPS products. From my experience:

        :down: Belkin

        :up: Triplite

 :up: :up: :up: APC

These days all I use or install for my clients is APC.

IMHO: they're still the best. Never had a single problem with an APC product, whether it was a small home Smart-UPS, or a server room multi-module Symmetra.


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