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IDEA: X Windows Style Death Mouse (xkill)

<< < (3/3)

I try to download kill.exe from
and my antivirus resident scanner alerts with worm:autoit.xkx

The file will not download.  Please pass this along...

I try to download kill.exe from
and my antivirus resident scanner alerts with worm:autoit.xkx

The file will not download.  Please pass this along...

-raidian (March 20, 2009, 06:56 PM)
--- End quote ---

Thanks for reporting this, but it's a false positive. Virus scanners keep flagging AutoHotKey applications as containing viruses, even though they are clean and legitimate.

What I've been wondering long before what we think of as a false positive turns out not to be...

I wish more authors would consider publishing crypto checksums (and then go ahead w/ it) -- it's not perfect but I think it works better than conversing about version X.Y.


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