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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Can someone make an icon for me?

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I know that's a weird request and it might even sound bad since I am asking someone to do it for me.  I actually tried to make my own and if no one does this I'll just stick with the one I already made.  You may know that I am making an android app for nany09.  Well the app is called supersearch and my idea was the superman logo with a search (slanted magnifying glass) inside instead of the s.  Here is the one I already started on.  If you do end up making an icon for me, the same size and format as the one I just listed would be best.

Thanks either way!


a member on dc site named hamradio is really good at making icons; send him a pm and tell him its for NANY and the details you want and i bet he'll make one for you.

Thanks mouser.  I pm'ed him.  In other news, the app is (hopefully) done.  I installed it on my phone today so that I could do some testing with it before I put it in the market.  Exciting!


Hey frew, you'll find attached my quick effort. There's a 48px icon and two png's 1@48px & 1@128px.

Icon file is in zip as 1 icon that has 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16 formats.



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