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Other Software > Developer's Corner

The All Day Coding Dojo


A month ago, I ran an "All Day Coding Dojo" event as part of the London Games Festival Fringe 2008. The idea is to run a complete game development project in a single day so that the attendees can experience working in a team and discover first hand the trials and tribulations of making a game.

Brighton Coding Dojo

I first experienced Coding Dojos at the Brighton Coding Dojo. These were held in the evening and lasted a couple of hours. This worked well for forming a disparate group of people. I tried this at work with my team, but we found that work intruded to easily and people found it hard to concentrate.

All Day Coding Dojo format

This is a new term that I have coined. As part of my Agile/Scrum process we operate a "Gold Day" where developers are allowed to do any work they want to for a whole day every two-week sprint. This is somewhat akin to the Google 10%. I decided to run an All Day Coding Dojo which would act as a mini Agile/Scrum project.

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from friendfeed

No information on how the game turned out? Bummer.

I wonder if the concept could be expanded: let people finish projects or meet their goals instead of having them "do work".

I wonder if the concept could be expanded: let people finish projects or meet their goals instead of having them "do work".
-housetier (December 21, 2008, 06:54 PM)
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Bah, what kind of IT system would that be?  Someone actually completing something?  Next thing you know you are going to be introducing Unicorn's and Dragons.... ;D


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