Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Withdrawn (sorry): Iphi's Memorable Passwords
I alas must put this on hold as I have done something to my shoulder and just cannot sit at a computer for very long at the moment.
Sorry about your current state -- I hope you have success in recovery soon!
Perry Mowbray:
That's such a shame -- rats about your shoulder: you've got to take more care of yourself. Your Teaser has done such a good job on my interest ;)
I will revisit this in the new year - I think for me this could be a great learning exercise of having a webapp coupled with a desktop app. I have written frameworks and CMSes and other website engines, but never many "self contained" complete little apps. So fun to learn, and perhaps it can be useful. And I wont let myself get sidetracked by the crawling and indexing of source material (which i did 10 days ago, mostly because it is again familiar terrain for me), I will build it next time :D
I've had the shoulder thing a while, fell over the dog. I thought it would get better. But instead of getting better it keeps getting worse, and sitting at a computer holding my arm at these kinds of angles is just painful.
I also just noticed I can't lift my arms above my head as much as the other - doesnt hurt but won't go further. Clearly will need to see a doctor after the xmas break.
Perry Mowbray:
I also just noticed I can't lift my arms above my head as much as the other - doesnt hurt but won't go further. Clearly will need to see a doctor after the xmas break.
-iphigenie (December 23, 2008, 05:28 AM)
--- End quote ---
Physio's are a wonderful invention! I remember when my eldest son fainted when he heard about 9/11 (he's 6' 7") and landed flat on his jaw, we had our physio friend look at it. She'd never treated a jaw before, but after 15 minutes of investigation and finding out what the muscles were doing, she just got him to stretch a bit here and there and it was all fixed. Absolutely amazing.
That experience also demonstrated why you ask people to sit down when you've got some bad/shocking news.
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