Software > N.A.N.Y. 2009
NANY 2009 Release: Trout (audio player)
That being said, may I ask what you might expect from Trout that Apollo currently doesn't have/do?-skwire (December 13, 2008, 08:21 AM)
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* Unicode support,
* better Winamp input plugins handling - I don't know why but some of them don't work for me at all (ex. MP4).
* better system's RMB support - Few times I had situation when Apollo replaced system's default "Open" action for folders. Double click on folder was starting empty Apollo and "Add to Apollo" or "Enqueque in Apollo" didn't work at all.
* applications titlebar hook - I remember seeing in some player the feature which allowed to embed player's buttons in topmost application's title bar.
* dim all visualisation - Grey out whole desktop and show mini-player in the middle of the screen (just buttons + track info).
Wow, at the risk of diminishing your interest in Trout...
* Unicode support,-fenixproductions
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Since AutoHotkey doesn't support unicode (natively), this won't happen until AHK does.
* better Winamp input plugins handling - I don't know why but some of them don't work for me at all (ex. MP4).-fenixproductions
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Currently, Trout doesn't support Winamp input plugins, though I hope to at some point. However, mp4 files play fine with the BASS AAC or ALAC plugin.
* better system's RMB support - Few times I had situation when Apollo replaced system's default "Open" action for folders. Double click on folder was starting empty Apollo and "Add to Apollo" or "Enqueque in Apollo" didn't work at all.-fenixproductions
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This is something I've tried to get working properly and I've come pretty close.
* applications titlebar hook - I remember seeing in some player the feature which allowed to embed player's buttons in topmost application's title bar.-fenixproductions
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I highly doubt you'll see this from me. There are two minibar modes that Trout can display, though.
* dim all visualisation - Grey out whole desktop and show mini-player in the middle of the screen (just buttons + track info).-fenixproductions
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Again, not something you'd see from me.
Trout was written to fill a niche for me (and to show what can be done with AHK). Again, it's not about to replace foobar as my main player nor is it meant to compete with any of the other mainstream players out there.
Would anybody be interested in designing an icon/graphic for this player? I was thinking maybe a trout/fish with headphones...cartoony is just fine.
fantastic what one can do with ahk :) :up:
I've updated the first post with screenshots of the updated Options dialog.
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